We depend on our regular donors! As the seasonality of our services ebbs and flows, partners who invest monthly or on a regular basis in our Giving Circle enable us to continue providing the high-level of service to all the families who come through our doors with a need. One of the values of monthly giving is for the organization to have stable funds, ensuring our programs remain in service for our community to utilize. We are inviting you to give monthly so that we can apply your donations wherever we need the support. Just $55 could provide an interview outfit and haircut to an eager young man seeking a higher wage job or two tanks of gas for a family struggling to make it to medical appointments.
Help us reach our goal of 40 people committed to the ECHOS Circle of Giving!
The official registration and financial information of Elizabethtown Community Housing & Outreach Services may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.